As a result any rationalization that takes place in the back end can be hidden behind the service interface. 结果,任何发生在后端的的合理化操作,都可以隐藏在服务界面之后。
Generating faults using a routine like this makes it easy to provide a central place to manage and log the faults that occur in your Web service. 使用这样的例程生成故障使您可以更轻松地提供一个中心位置,管理和记录Web服务中发生的故障。
UTM formations may be accompanied by heat-induced cracking within these overheated areas that, if left in place, can propagate while in service. UTM的形成可能是由于过热区内热损伤裂纹造成的,如果裂纹没有被及时处理,就会在实际使用过程中扩展。
In2006, Yourzine won the second place award in the category as'Online Marketing Service Provider'and ranked no.4 in online service provider within the EU. 优赞早在2006年就荣幸地成为欧洲第2的在线互动营销公司,欧盟领先网络服务供应商排名第4。
From time to time, it becomes necessary to place shell and tube heat exchangers in service with the unit on stream. 应该将管壳式热交换器在其它设备运行时投入使用。
Of course, there are persons who find their place in government service. teaching, journalism, medicine, engineering& these and many other fields offer fascinating careers to persons with talent and training. 当然有些人会选择公务员的工作。教育,新闻,医学,工程等领域都可以向有才能,经过培训的人士提供引人入胜的职业。
Dear questioner, thank you for your question and the confidence you place in our service and we pray to Allah to enable us render this service purely for His Sake. 亲爱的提问者,谢谢你的提问和对我们工作的信任,我们祈求安拉接纳我们只为他的喜悦而做的工作。
Many persons find their place in government service, and many others may be interested in going into the business world. 一些人在政府机构找到了他们的位置,而另一些人则可能喜欢在商界驰骋。
Examinations are of use only so far as they test the child's fitness for social life and reveal the place in which he can be of the most service and where he can receive the most help. 考试只是为考察儿童对社会生活的适应力,发现他能为社会提供最大的服务、能够得到最多的帮助的那个位置,如此考试才是有用的。
Give Him first place in your service, consecrate every part. 支配你一切的事奉,每部分因主成圣。
The company shall not be subject to any liability or responsibility for any cost, loss, damage or claim relating to illegal act of the company staff taken place in the service premises. 如因本公司家务助理于服务家居进行违法行为而令客户有任何费用支出、索偿、或损失,本公司概不承担任何责任。
It's a place where data can wait in line for service from your CPU. 它是数据为来自你的处理器的服务能在线中等候的一个位置。
She hopes to get a place in the civil service. 她希望获得一份公职。
In such a strong competitive environment, in order to get a place, in the current business based on good service, the need to improve the operational efficiency of enterprises and their management. 在如此强烈竞争的环境下,要想取得一席之地,各企业在目前良好服务的基础之上,需提高企业的运营效率和自身管理水平。
Through our unremitting endeavor, at present, we win the first place in this line by huge house sources, and super service before and after selling. 由于我们的不懈努力,目前,以庞大的盘源量及优质的售前售后服务领誉全行。
Technology is central to many of the changes now taking place in the manufacturing and service sectors of countries across the world. 技术对于世界各国制造和服务业正在发生的变化起着核心的作用。
County hospitals occupy an important place in the delivery of community health service as they are the center of technological guidance, the base for training in general medicine, and a coordinator of and participant in the community health service of the county seats. 全科医学培训基地、组织和协调及县城社区服务参与者的地位。县医院要搞好社区卫生服务,一是搞好人力资源重组;
Moreover, the failure of all 9 failure cases took place in the pipeline in service at temperature of 360 ℃ or lower, because the original martensite in hardened material can not be tempered completely at the lower temperature operation condition. 并由于9个失效案例都发生在360℃以下服役的管道上,表明管道上原有的高硬度马氏体组织在较低温度下不易加火软化。
With the development of society and the progress made in medical science as well as the increasing need for health, great innovation will take place in nursing concept, working methods, service directions, service range for nurses in the 21st cent. 随着社会的发展和医学科学的进步,以及人们对健康需求的不断变化,新的护理模式应运而生。21世纪的护士从护理理念、工作方法、服务方向、服务范围上均将发生重大变革。
In the 90s of the 20th century, fundamental changes have taken place in reference service from form to content due to the development of information technology, especially the popularization of network. 到了20世纪90年代,网络技术高度发展,尤其是因特网的普及,促使图书馆的参考咨询服务发生了更大的变化。
A series of changes have taken place in the system of information service industry, in the structure of the property rights, in the whole industrial system, and in the structure of organization and management of information departments concerned and information enterprises. 它使信息服务业的组织结构以及信息机构和信息企业的组织管理结构发生了一系列变化,其中,行业组织结构的变化涉及产权结构、组织结构和产业化程度。
Great changes have taken place in the structure of journals storage, service mode, service contents, and the methods of utilization of journal literatures under the environment of networks. 网络环境使图书馆期刊工作在馆藏结构、服务方式、服务内容、文献利用手段等方面都发生了重大变化。
Great changes have taken place in the field of information service in technique and service methods with the coming of the information era, and the development of the Internet and the modern communication technique after 9O's, which affected all over the world. 信息时代的来临,以及20世纪90年代以来因特网和现代通信技术的发展影响到了整个世界范围,信息服务领域无论从技术手段还是服务方式上都发生了巨大的变化。
As the architecture, switching and transmission technologies of communication networks evolve, great changes have taken place in the service input processes service regulations of switches. 随着通信网络结构及交换与传输技术的发展,排队系统的业务输入过程、交换机的服务过程和服务规则已经发生了很大的变化,但它的基本模式和性能分析指标没有变化。
Those general characteristics of public things such as no exclusiveness and no competitiveness in their consumptions and the failure of regulation, which is carried out by market forces, of their production and consumption have given the government every reason to place its intervention in the fire-fighting service. 作为公共物品,消防服务存在消费上非排他性和非竞争性等一般特征,市场调节公共物品生产和消费的失灵成了政府干预消防服务的充分理由。
Hospital is a closely linked with the life of the place, in a sense, it is the service and assistance for vulnerable groups in public places, is different from other public buildings of special places. 医院是一个与生命密切相联的地方,从某种意义上讲,它是为弱势群体服务和帮助的公共场所,是不同于其他公共建筑的特殊场所。
Through the analysis, we find that during the urbanization, some structural changes and problems have taken place in the destination, transport, supporting service and market systems of urban tourism industry. 经过研究,本文发现,在城市化进程中,城市旅游的目的地系统、出行系统、支持系统以及市场系统都在发生结构性的变化,产生结构性的问题。
Therefore, how to attain its place in the fierce competition of medical service market is an urgent challenge for hospitals to solve. 为此,医院如何在当今这个激烈竞争的医疗市场环境中博得一席之地是各大医院迫切需要研究的问题。
Volunteers to practice the dedication, service and unity as an ideal, with "jointly make this world a better place in the belief" volunteer service, produce the huge social value. 志愿者实践着奉献、服务、团结等理想,怀着共同使这个世界变得更加美好的信念投身志愿服务,产生了巨大的社会价值。
The new countryside construction is a great social construction project and with it great changes had taken place in the rural community service system. 新农村建设是一项重大的社会建设工程,农村社区服务体制发生了深刻的变化。